Sexual Health & Sexuality

Contraceptive Advice

Emergency contraception

The sooner you act after having unprotected sex, the better. Emergency contraception is a way of preventing pregnancy after you have had sex without using contraception or when contraception has failed. If you take emergency contraception (morning-after pill) or have an intrauterine device (coil) fitted within 5 days it will usually prevent pregnancy.

Emergency contraception does not cause an abortion and it does not protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Please note that emergency contraception (morning after pill) can be obtained from most Pharmacies.

Choice of contraception

“Where can I get contraception?” – “Which method of contraception suits me?” – “I’m under 16, can I get contraception?” Whatever questions you have about getting and using contraception, this guide can help.

Free Condoms

Condoms are available for free from your local Sexual Health Clinic and from other sexual health organisations. They may also be available from the Practice.

Find Free Condoms Services

Gender Dysphoria

People who have gender dysphoria:

  • experience distress, anxiety, uncertainty and persistently uncomfortable feelings about their biological sex not fully matching their gender identity (the gender they see themselves as)
  • have, and may act on, a gender identity which is different from their anatomical sex. For example, someone born with female sex characteristics deciding to live permanently as a man

Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It is not a mental illness.

LGBT Foundation

The LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.

Further information about the LGBT foundation

Maria Stopes UK

Maria Stopes UK have been helping people with their reproductive health options for over 40 years. They provide NHS-funded and self-funded abortion and vasectomy care through their network of local clinics all over England.

Whenever you need them, they are there – you can call their booking and advice line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Further information about Maria Stopes UK

Sexually Transmitted Disease

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed from one person to another through unprotected sex or genital contact.

You can be tested for STIs at a Sexual Health Clinic, Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) Clinic or GP Surgery. Search for a Sexual Health Clinic near you and find out what services they offer.